Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pamela's Chocolate Brownie Mix

E - mmpf, gumpph, (thumb sticks up in the air), flumpf. They're great!
D - Goooooooooood. My skin smells like brownies!

(This mix was on sale for $2.89 at my local grocery store. I bought every one they had on the shelf! They are pretty good, but not this good. )


Lindsey J said...

mmm, I LOVE Pamela's brownies!!

I have some recipes to send you.... stay tuned

Annie Pazoo said...

Holy moly, what a great price. Now that my Safeway is stocking more GF mixes, I keep watching (and waiting) for them to be put on clearance (can't be that many of us buying them, from the looks of them on the shelves....)

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