Friday, July 24, 2009

Green Smoothies

<<green smoothie.JPG>>
My garden has stopped producing lettuce and spinach, but while it lasted, we enjoyed green smoothies.  I thought they'd be perfect for Miss Baby M (9 months old), but she mostly thought, in her baby way, "EW."  ;)


Kristen's Raw said...

YUM! Love green smoothies! :)

Li loves David said...

LOL, my initial reaction is similar to little Miss M's, but I'd be willing to try one. Any recipe? Or just toss assorted green things in blender and cross fingers?

Anonymous said...

What I found online is to do something along the lines of 1/3 greens (I used spinach and leaf lettuce), 1/3 fruit, and 1/3 ice. :)

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