Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Forgotten Anniversary

Oh my.  If my blog were my spouse, it would be throwing my pitiful apology roses at me right now.  I forgot my blogiversary! 


        7/9/07  7/9/08  7/29/09
Debt    $104,307        $100,311        $95,705
Savings $0      $2,989  $8,055 
Monthly Expenses        $2,145  $2,390  $2,481 
Take-Home Pay   $2,417  $3,349  $3,164 
Debt Snowball   $131    $697    $646   

There's the break-down, of where we sat when I began this blog, one year ago, and now.

And in that in that time we added a minivan and baby.  And, soon enough, a roof.  (Yay for getting a third bid!) And all those other expenses life throws your way, like car repairs and dental bills (braces OFF yesterday!), which we've cash rolled.

So, to that, I have to say: WOO!


RonaldJ said...

Happy Anniversary! Way to keep on plugging away at that debt. You won't be disappointed.

Looks like the Indians are working on their debt snowball as well - although the results for them don't look NEARLY as promising. ;-)

zdoodlebub said...

Happy Anniversary! And Woo! And Hi! I'm back!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!! It's zdoodlebub! I was worried about you, girl! Welcome back!

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