Sunday, March 1, 2009

We have been eating lately, if you can believe it.

Garlic Chicken and Broccoli

olive oil
1 lb. chicken breast
1/2 c chicken broth
1 c cooked brown rice

I threw the rice and the broccoli in the rice cooker. Then I cooked the garlic in oil, then browned the chicken in the spices, added in the broth and broccoli, and served it on the rice. YUM. We will definitely make this again. (D traded all of his chicken for his sister's broccoli. It takes all kinds.)

Lemon Chicken with Potatoes

If you wanted something this lemony, you'd be reading Mr. Snicket.

Tortilla Soup

Make this tonight. You will be happy you did.

And a new favorite at our house, that we've been eating at least twice a month, Sausage Polenta Bake.

Go! Cook! Eat! :)


huddtoo said...

Lemony? NOT to lemony until you've eaten the lemon cake I made this weekend. WOWSA! I didn't think the juice of one lemon would be enough lemon flavor (which I really like) for the icing, so I added a teeny bit of lemon extract that my MIL had. Gosh, 3/4 of a teeny to much. I know it doesn't take much. But, this is the lemony-est I've ever had. LOL

I think I'll do garlic-lemon chicken. That would be really good too...I think. I could be lemoned out for a while. Still have 3/4 of a cake to eat. ACK! The boy didn't like it to much. The girl thought it was to strong. Hubby thinks the frosting was to sweet (more like to *strong*). Am I stuck with all this cake??? ACK!

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Becky said...

The sausage polenta bake looks excellent! I'll give it a try this week.

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