Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tides of Change

I love buying thrifted clothes. Especially baby clothes, clothes that barely get worn before they're outgrown.


Tide, people. WHY always the Tide? Tide detergent makes my kiddos' skin break out in hives and rash and itchiness. And I can wash something three or four times and the Tide still doesn't come out.

Anyone have good ideas for a soak I can use to get all the detergent out of something? Vinegar maybe? (Our kids have no problems with pickle-scented clothes, only detergent.)



Lindsey J said...

I have issues with scented detergents. I've found that a couple of war water washes w/ a tiny drop of soap & a splash of vinegar takes care of the smell. Not sure if residue is completely gone though.

I used to react like your kids. Sucks. Good news--I grew out of it.

Lindsey J said...

P.S. my scent issues now are itchy/runny nose & headache & I'm pretty sensitive.

Anonymous said...

we can't use tide either... I wash with Ecos detergent, add baking soda to the wash and vinegar (1 cup) to the final rinse. I also use the extra rinse option for second hand clothing. A good soak for 24 hours in water and seventh generation chlorine free bleach works prior to washing as well. Good luck! The itchies are no fun!!!

Tera said...

This isn't exactly a thrifty idea but I stopped having problems with tide (and oh, man did I have issues with tide) when I got an HE washer. Oh, what a difference it made. I was stunned the first month or so I had the machine how much "suds" were in the washer as it washed all of the detergent residue off my clothes. It sounds like an ad but my clothes really are brighter, softer and last longer. And where things like Tide used to give me hives, now I can use Tide (the HE version because HE detergent is still hard to find and you usually don't have choices when you do find it) without a problem. I go to my mom's (she uses Tide and a regular washer), spend one night on her sheets and itch for days.

Have your tried Downey in the washer? I don't know if it would help but my kids spilled bubble liquid all over my kitchen counter and I was having a hard time getting it all cleaned up because it kept sudsing and sudsing. My mom said to use a little bit of Downey on it to cut the suds and it WORKED. She said she uses it on her cats when she gets too much shampoo on them (she has long haired persians that need to be bathed). It would be a cheap, easy thing to try.

Stacey said...

I wash all my baby's clothes in Dreft. I also have a couple kids with sensitive skin and their clothes also get washed with this. It is a little pricey but it works with sensitive skin and has a gentle "baby" smell. I too buy second hand clothes and usually wash them in Dreft. We have never had problems so it must get the previous laundry soap out. It even takes away the strong perfume smell from Closet to Closet. Other detergents never worked but Dreft does....

Dallas Ann said...

I use a small dash of traditional dawn. It takes all nasty things right out. Just a little, otherwise you'll have suds coming out of your washer!

Lafianza.doula said...

I have this same issue with fabric softner. I love thrift storing, but i HATE fabric softner. I mean hate it. yuck yuck yuck. I usually wash cold them warm and use vinegar... lots of it. it takes a while for it to completely go away b/c the softener bonds with the fabrics and turns kinda waxy (why oh why do they not tell people this!?)

Benedicamus said...

I second the thrift store buys! I know vinegar works for cloth diapers... then how about hanging the clothes in the sun to dry? Again, just going off of my cloth diaper experience.

Jes said...

Someone just introduced me to your site, we just found out my 8 month old has a wheat allergy, and every day I realize more and more stuff has wheat in it. (I'm nursing so I must avoid all wheat). Hopefully your site can help me! Thanks!

I didn't read the other comments, so forgive me if I'm repeating anything. We use cloth diapers and one of the things they say to use if detergent has built up is dawn dish soap. just a tbs will do the trick, do a wash with the dawn, then a wash with nothing. Should get the Tide out of the clothes. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jes! Great tip about the Dawn! I'll definitely give that a try!

As you may have gathered, I'm GF while nursing right now too (Miss Baby M is 7 months). There's such a steep learning curve (and a lot of "WHYYYY do Rice Krispies have to have barley malt!?! WHYYYY!" moments, ha), but after this much time, I really see how much healthier we all eat as a family, and how it's been good for us in many ways.

(Not that I haven't been drooling over those "pasta in a breadbowl" gluten extravaganzas they've been advertising lately. Yarg.)

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