Thursday, July 10, 2008


Sharing the love:
Thanks guys, for all the kind words yesterday! :) You rock!

I can't believe I forgot to mention the one big thing we did to turn around our financial situation. The biggest thing. And that was to start this blog. Writing about it really made me think about it more often and the awesome and supportive comments I've gotten and wonderful people I've "met" over this last year have been such an unbelievable blessing to me. So, thank you!!!

Summer reading series:
Also, I've gotta 'fess up, because you may have noticed I haven't mentioned Little House in... awhile. Farmer Boy about did me in, folks. Whew. So I'm taking an official break from my Little House summer reading series. Like, a year-long break. ;) Hoping to pick up where I left off and finally hit the South Dakota years next summer. When E will perhaps be old enough to go to the pageant (anyone else want to come???). As it is, she's never seen 9:00 because she completely loses her cool at about 7:45. Such is life.

Right now I'm reading Not Buying It - My Year Without Shopping. It's interesting reading, sociologically, but I honestly find it a little bourgeoisie. The assumption is that there aren't millions of us out here who spend every day not buying things we don't "need" (leather couches notwithstanding). Plus, I think this whole concept (a year without buying) has really evolved in wonderful ways in the years since this book was written. Take a look at Rockin' Granola (a little bit "crunchy" and a little bit rock 'n' roll), who took a pledge to stay out of the "big box stores" and instead buys everything handmade. How awesome is that? Also, her daily "Frugal Deeds (done dirt cheap)" is just too cool and I want to copy her all the time. So there.

Gluten free Core update:
On Tuesday, SuperDad made Scalloped Potatoes and Ham, which we ate with mandarin oranges. Because... I don't know. It was good though. And Core. And the kids just love that meal anyway. (Hi, sorry I didn't mention the WW working. I've been a member for a long, long time, so to translate my sitting/listening time into working/getting paid time was a pretty smooth transition for me. Plus, I'm really hoping that it will help me stay on track weight-wise.)

Last night we had Super Easy Chicken. I always love it when I can throw dinner in the crock pot right away in the morning, because it eliminates the temptation to eat out that night. We served this with green beans, which SuperDad and E really, really tried to get me to eat, but, ewww. 4 years on WW have ended any lingering affections I have towards green beans. Sorry.

The end.

1 comment:

Manic Mama said...

I LOVE the idea of buying homemade. Or not buying at all. :) That seems to be a trend in my house lately (well, at least for me, everyone else is STILL buying). You would be soooo proud, last night I chopped up a bunch of LC's clothes so they will get her through the summer. I intend to take photos and write a post on it. I just couldn't stomach the thought of buying summer clothes and then turning around in 6 weeks and buying winter clothes. Ugh. I love green beans, just not canned ones. I love fresh, crunchy ones. The kids love it when I get the grill hot, put a tiny bit of butter, kosher salt, pepper and garlic on then grill them up for a couple minutes... so they are still crunchy, but oh so good.

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