Monday, October 1, 2007

Dinner Update, And an Apple Pie

Beefy Lentil Soup - This recipe made enough for our family of four (served with bread and butter and milk) and to send a good portion over to a sick friend's house - not sure how far it got them, though. I thought it was extra yummy.

I used ground turkey rather than beef, so maybe it's more like Poultry-y Lentil Soup. I'm guessing it cost a little over $4.00.


E came home from preschool last Thursday to let me know that they had made an apple pie in class. The heartbreak in her tears when I told her that she couldn't eat the pie even though the teacher had said everyone could have some... well. So, together, we made a gluten free apple pie this weekend.

Awesome Gluten Free Apple Pie With Crumble Topping

During naptime, I mixed up the crust and set it to chill in the fridge. Then I peeled, cored, and sliced the apples, mixed in the sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and put them in the fridge in their own bowl. Then I mixed up the crumble topping and put THAT in the fridge in a separate bowl. When E woke up, she got to combine everything, and now she has a pie she can be proud of.

I made three tartlet-sized pies. We ate one last night and: YUM. Oh my. This was better than regular apple pie, and I'm not even kidding. I'm always skeptical when a GF recipe has "Awesome" in the title, because people that live GF kind of forget what awesome tastes like, but, in this case, "awesome" is quite accurate.


Anonymous said...

Your blog makes me Smile.
I have given you an award if you wish to claim it! Go to

dmdm said...

I just found your blog while searching for an apple pie recipe for my GFCF kiddos... I will be stopping back! I have some great frugal recipes I'd like to share... Even some other lentil ideas!

Anonymous said...

Welcome! I love to hear all frugal ideas! :)

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