Thursday, July 12, 2007

July 12, Budget Success

Budget Update:

I get paid tomorrow and we've stayed within budget! Yay! The budget was:
$200 food
$60 gas

We've still got $4 left in food, but $0 left in gas.

We made a $318 payment (262 over minimum) to our credit card.

We spent 50% less on food this pay period than the same period last month.

This morning, we ate the last piece of gluten free (GF) bread, the last GF waffle, and I had the last bit of milk with my cereal.

Dinner Update:

Farmer's Breakfast
4 medium potatoes, diced (.50)
olive oil (? could use butter or canola or whatever)
5 eggs (.29)
3/4 c cooked ham (1.14)

Fry the potatoes in the oil. When they are almost done, add the eggs and the ham and stir until fully cooked. (The original recipe included more of everything, but this was what we had and was enough for us.)

I also served leftover green beans and toast. (.25 maybe?)

Total: $1.68

We're eating too many potatoes. Oh well.


Tread Softly said...

Wow! Congratulations.
I wouldn't worry about the potatoes. While carbs and starches might be a problem for people with genetic tendencies towards diabetes, I doubt you'd have a problem in a bread-and-pasta-free (or at least sparse) kitchen.
Great job with the credit card payment and keeping in budget.

Kristy said...

Daggone girl. You realize you just paid off 10% of your credit card balance! That's fantastic! give yourself credit! (um, pun not intended!)

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