Giving this post-by-email business a try.
Our oldest starts kindergarten in the fall. And we'll have to send gluten-free lunches (when did we all decide on full-day kindergarten anyway? Also, why won't I ever learn how to spell kindergarten?). So far, my lunch plan includes:
Mac and Cheese
Ham NF Rice
Meat Roll-Ups
Hard-Boiled Eggs
Hot Dogs
GF crackers w/ meat and cheese
And… naturally
PB&J on gluten-free bread
Trail mix
We need to buy a good thermos or two. And… uh, teach her how to serve herself meals. She's been a twee bit pampered in this area. Ahem.
Your list looks a lot like what my wife puts in our daughter's lunches. How about a couple more suggestions:
Corn tortillas/rice cakes instead of GF bread/crackers
Don't worry, if you start training now, she'll be a pro at self service by the time school starts.
Also, my daughter loves when mom puts little notes in her lunch. I think she often enjoys them better than the food!
We use Laptop lunch boxes (four individual containers inside). I packed GF Granola (Enjoy Life), Grapes, Baby carrots, OrganicVille DF/GF ranch, homemade cereal like bars, homemade granola bars, Enjoy Life cocoa loca, happy apple or sunbutter crunch bars, crunch tortilla chips with a cold refried bean and salsa "dip", salads with sliced turkey on top, homemade rice cakes or pancakes w/ syrup (they love 'em cold), hummus and corn chips, sometimes I tossed in a cookie or other treat and we often had something crunchy like crackers, pretzels, popcorn, etc... Keep the colors varied and portions small... at that age they never eat everything we send. The nice thing about a reusable lunch system like our Laptop lunches is that the leftovers come home and they enjoy them for snack. Anything in a baggie usually hits the trash can at the end of lunch time!
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