Thursday, March 12, 2009

Gluten-Free Me

Yesterday was our 3rd anniversary of E's diagnosis with gluten intolerance. Three years gluten free already! And it's gotten so much easier, in so many ways. Some things are never easy, though. Like when your kid has to eat carrots when everyone else is having cupcakes.

I've been off gluten for about 4 and a half months now. And it's fine too, though I miss a lot of things, and I miss them a lot (crossiants...).

But, it's been good for us, this gluten-free thing. We've tried new foods we wouldn't have tried otherwise (quinoa, polenta), we avoid unhealthy things that we probably would have let slide (TV dinners, boxed foods), and oh yeah, this blog. Where I've "met" the nicest people, who are always ready with good advice and words of wisdom and sympathy and kindness.

So. Thanks, you all, for making this journey a whole lot better. :)


RonaldJ said...

Kudos to you on E's GF anniversary! I take it that you're GF by choice. It's encouraging to see you highlighting the positives of this journey - attitude makes a big difference!

My wife voluntarily went GF two months ago (right after a family birthday party where EVERYTHING served was "verboten") in order to come alongside our 7-year old daughter as she has struggled with Celiac life. Even though I have Celiac as well, it means so much more to little H that mom is making this sacrifice for her.

It's good that you get to try the new foods on the kids when they're young. That way, they haven't had many memories about which foods they're missing and they can develop new favorites!

Sarah M said...

Do youe ver read this blog:
She is married toa chef who cooks gluten free for her (lucky!!) And she has a cookbook coming out soon. I have read her other book (with recipies throughout) and tried some and they are GOOD, unlike some gluten free stuff...
anyway, just thought maybe your family would like it!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I always count our gluten free years's such a huge change in life. My daughter has been gluten free for 4 years, and we've been gluten/casein free as a family for 2 years.

Congrats to's not easy going gluten free immediately post partum and while bf, I did that too and it was tough!

Li loves David said...

Happy anniversary!!

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