Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Life with Three

This is pretty much off topic, but in case you're wondering...

We're a month into life with three kiddos under 5. I'd been warned, believe me, that the third kid was the straw that broke the mama's back, but I have to say it's gone, overall, pretty well here. Of course, we're living in fuzzy floaty maternity leave land where we have TWO full-time, at-home parents. It's a blur of laundry and dishes and "No you can't have Halloween candy for breakfast!" and "If you wake up that baby, you are SO going into time out!"

All three, are, as I type, asleep. Simultaneously. That happens only occasionally, but when it does, I don't really know what to do with myself, because all I really want to do is hold that baby. Because, she is SO CUTE. I mean, not to toot my own baby's horn, but, seriously.

I dread the return to work, both because I don't know how to leave her and because I'm afraid of what SuperDad faces managing three kids alone (though I have to admit, it's the housework that's the struggle more than the kids, I think). And it's coming up all too quickly.

Mishaps aside, I've been mostly gluten free for three weeks or so. It's going just fine. I miss 100 calorie packs, unfrugal things that they are, but otherwise it hasn't been too bad. I made a pot roast. $10 in meat for one single meal??? It was crazy.

That's about it. In case you were wondering. And the baby's awake now. ;)


Suburban Hippie said...

Glad you're holding up pretty well so far. The conversations at your house sound a lot like the ones at my house! Oh, and you can always hold Mira through her whole nap. That's what I often ended up doing because I didn't want to stop looking at their faces! Hang in there, mama.

zdoodlebub said...

I so love your attitude. I always understand and sympathize with other moms who are stressed and venting about the changes...because I'd be the same way. But your description is refreshing. You are not saying it's not a lot of work, but a labor of love. And you don't seem overwhelmed by it. I dig it.

Carrie said...

I just LOVE your honesty Tenille!! I love these heartfelt posts that you write!! I'm so excited for you about that precious baby!! I know 3 must be a challenge, but I know you are so thankful too! I'm so happy for you! If I were a neighbor I'd come and help you with the housework!!!

Amnesty said...

I thought 1 to 2 was a lot harder than 2 to 3, but I think that was mostly due to personality. Baby 2 was a horrible refluxing screamer. Baby 3 is completely healthy and totally mellow, as long as I stay away from eggs and mustard ;)
And my DH is about to become a homeschooling SAHD. Should be interesting.

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

Love that cute baby. I think the main reason I never got any housework done with newborns is that I just wanted to hold them and stare at them. The time flies and the dishes will just keep getting dirty.
Enjoy away!

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