Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting Taggy With It

So, like, a long time ago, Jamie tagged me for one of those 7 random things about you things.

I decided to do this up photo-style, but due to technical difficulties and the fact that I'm a dork, that took longer than expected.

1. This chair? Is hated by 3 out of 3 of my children. Angry, angry baby hate.

2. Nerd. I am a nerd, every hour of the day. This is our schedule.

3. Books. I recently finished these books. Actually, it's been a couple of days since I took this picture, so add A Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion to this pile, mentally.

4. Ani. Was incredibly thrilled when SuperDad bought me this. Loves.

5. D. What D did while I was running around taking silly pictures.

6. Blankie. I slept with this blankie as a baby. And also in college. And after I got married. And until my first baby came home from the hospital.

7. I don't have a 7 and SuperDad needs to use the computer now. GFF out.


Jennifer said...

You read I Was Amelia Earhart??!! You know that is one of my all-time favorite, soul soothing books. I've given it to people to read and they either love it right along with me, or hand it back to me saying, "Um...I didn't really get it." To which category do you belong? :)

Also? Your schedule is both scary and absolutely amazing. I bow to you!

Anonymous said...

Would it be weird to say it made me feel warm and sleepy? I wouldn't say it was fave or anything, but it was a heck of a lot better than The House of Sand and Fog. Dude, barf.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and BTW, totally read that on your recommendation, as well as the Alice Hoffman. This one (Here on Earth)... well, how much I could connect with this story was both intriguing and scary.

Sarah M said...

OHH! I have been waiting for MY hubs to buy me that Ani cd for awhile...it better show up in my Christmas stocking or I'm taking things into my own hands...... :)

Anonymous said...

I love it!

Oh... I see openID here as a posting option... MUAH kisses to you!

I have read most of the same books! And the shoes on the stove, well, been there done that. Thankfully the burners were off.


zdoodlebub said...

Yay Twilight. Sort of. The only reason I'm reading the series is because everyone else is. I kind of get it (the enthusiastic obsession) and then I'm kind of "Yawn, Bella, grow a pair already."


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