Friday, April 18, 2008

$29.84 Grocery Week

I realized, shortly before hitting the grocery store, that we'd used up more than half of the food budget for the week already. Yikes. I had $30 left, so what's a girl to do?

First, I looked through our cupboards and fridge and noticed that we had:
Spaghetti sauce
Pizza crust mix
Shredded cheese
Canned beans
Various canned fruits and veggies

So I wrote a menu based on that:
Homemade sausage pizza (using spaghetti sauce)
Egg/potato/sausage/cheese casserole
Chicken/tomato/bean something in crockpot
Chicken paprika
Tuna sandwiches on homebaked bread

And then I bought the following groceries:
Cat litter - 5.36
Hot dogs - .74 (I know...)
Eggs - 1.78
Frozen chicken breasts (on sale) - 4.99
Garbage bags - 2.88
Ground turkey - 1.62
Milk - 3.32
Canned tomatoes - .54
Cat food - 5.74
Whole wheat spaghetti noodles - 1.18
(Thanks to the shopping spree, we have the gluten free products to fill in the edges here, or we wouldn't have made it.)

Total, including tax: $29.84
Whew, that was a close one.

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