Thursday, November 29, 2007

NoLoBuMo=Less Christmas Stress

Normally this time of year, I'm feeling pressured to spend and rush and plow through my Christmas shopping. The decorations have been up in the crowded stores for weeks, and usually I'm feeling like maybe I should have Christmas-themed plates and towels and bedspreads, and maybe my hodgepodge tree isn't good enough that maybe I should have an ALL GOLD tree this year, because Target makes it!

But not this year. I haven't even really been in a non-grocery store since Halloween. And this is the least amount of stress I've ever experienced before Christmas. I haven't at all felt the need to outspend my budget or exceed my planned shopping list. I've felt that my dishes and towels were quite good enough, thankyouverymuch. I'm worrying much less about what I could have, and having more gratitude for what I do have.

I think, so far, this has been the best benefit of all.

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